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New adviser application form

You’ll now be able to sign up new members to the AMP KiwiSaver Scheme, NZRT or both at the same time using our new digital form.

What does this mean for you?

1. New application form URLs

• If you already have a shortcode or personalised adviser URL, you’ll need to set up a new one. It’s easy to do. Just complete your adviser details and submit the form and we’ll give you a URL instantly. This URL will have your adviser information pre-populated on the form so you can use it with your clients and be sure that your adviser details are attached to that client.
• If you don’t have a personalised adviser URL you will need to set one up. It will only take a minute.

Create your personalised URL now

For more information you can view our User Guide.

2. New fund recommendation tool

With the new digital form we have included a new fund recommendation tool called “Help me choose”, which you can use if you would like. Check out the user guide to see how it works. Your client can see exactly how their answers to the questions impact the fund that they are recommended to invest in. If you’d prefer not to use our fund recommendation tool just choose the “Choose myself” option on the form.

3. For advisers that sign up clients to AMP employer plans

• Once you complete the online application form with your client, an email containing all the application details is automatically generated and sent to you and the client.
• For NZRT an email is also sent to the employer. This has a link to an approval form so the employer can complete the application online by approving the details and sending that through to us. Once we receive the approval from the employer, we’ll complete the application process.

Contact us

If you have any questions for us about the new digital form, you can email us at adviserhelp@amp.co.nz