Say YES to investing in your future

Invest with AMP and help the planet

What is sustainable investing?

Sustainable investment is about considering the impact our investments have on society and the world around us alongside other financial outcomes and business factors. AMP is on a sustainable investing journey. Our intention is to:

Support the good

Integrating environmental, social and governance factors into investment decisions.

Avoid the bad

Don't invest in companies causing harm, such as the fossil fuel industry.

Reduce our carbon footprint

Decarbonising our portfolios to achieve a net zero outcome by 2050 or sooner.

Advocate for change

Active engagement with companies to deliver better outcomes for customers, shareholders, and the climate.

Good for the planet. Good for your balance.

The future is about putting money into good.

More and more people want to support businesses that are good for the world, and these businesses are thriving.

Our investment philosophy puts sustainability at its core.

We’re committed to making sustainable investment decisions that deliver healthy fund performance, provide better value for money and help create a brighter future for generations to come.

Read more about our sustainability approach

Why AMP?

When you're investing your hard earned money with AMP, you're investing in:

Good fees and performance

We use an index investing approach to deliver value and performance over the long-term. We replicate market performance by constructing a well-diversified portfolio and holding it over a long time period. By spreading risk broadly and minimising buying and selling we keep investment costs down and maximise value for our customers.
View our KiwiSaver fees and performance


Our investment philosophy puts sustainable investing at its core. We’re committed to making sustainable investment decisions that aim to deliver healthy fund performance, provide better value for money and help create a brighter future for generations to come.

Learn about sustainable investing and sustainable returns


We know that saving for the future is a must, and the earlier the better. That's where KiwiSaver comes in. KiwiSaver makes it easy to save and grow your nest egg for retirement. Before you get started, it's helpful to learn a bit more about KiwiSaver.

AMP in the community

We recognise the vital role business needs to play to support our communities. That’s a key part of who we are and what we do.

We’re a Toitu Envirocare certified carbon neutral business
We're a proud partner of Voices of Hope, a fantastic mental health charity trying to change attitudes towards mental health 
We were New Zealand’s first living wage accredited financial services employer 
We take diversity and inclusion seriously – we’ve been a Rainbow tick accredited employer since 2018

We’re a proud partner of Dignity – a social enterprise on a mission to combat period poverty

Age Concern’s vision is for our older population to be a thriving, respected and engaged part of our community, helping older people live their best lives. Find out more here (video)
KiwiHarvest rescues 170,000-200,000 kgs of good quality surplus food every month and diverts this back to people who are struggling across NZ

Kaipātiki Project runs a thriving native plant nursery, facilitates native ngahere, streams and estuary regeneration, and provides conservation volunteering opportunities at its nursery, teaching garden and in its wider restoration projects